Lent Course: Mark 10:17-31
In our Lent course we have been looking at some of the times when Jesus asked provocative questions of people. Sometimes it turned a whole conversation around. Today's resource has been kindly prepared by Mikey Reade.
You're also welcome to join a Zoom discussion group this evening at 7pm. If you would like to join, email me to ask for the link.
In Mark 10:17-31 we meet a young man who who runs to Jesus and asks Him on bended knee what he must do to inherit eternal life.
How was the man trying to gain eternal life? (v19-20)
How do people today try to gain eternal life?
The man had a lot going for him. He was exceedingly rich, he had been moral and well-mannered since childhood, and he still found time to be concerned about spiritual things. And yet none of those things held the key to eternal life. Jesus challenged the rich man to sell everything he had, and to come follow Him, but the rich man went away sad, for he had great wealth. This was 'the one thing he lacked'.
What does this episode reveal about the man's priorities?
Why is it hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of God? (v23)
In leaving at this point, the man shows that he cares more about his wealth than about Jesus. Even though he claimed to have kept the commandments of God his whole life, his priorities were still lacking. It's worth reflecting, therefore, on our own priorities. It might not be wealth that stops us (though it might), but Jesus demands that following Him must come first.
What might stop you following Jesus?
What does Jesus promise his followers? (v29-30)
What is attractive about following Jesus?
For all of us, following Jesus will mean re-ordering our priorities, even leaving things behind. But the promise is wonderful: Jesus will look after us. 'No one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.'
Spend some time thanking God for how he has provided for you in following Jesus.
Pray for a whole-hearted love for Jesus and his priorities.